USB Encryptor Shields Data on Portable Devices

It is small and light instead of clumsy. Data stored on flash drives is impervious to mechanical shock, magnetic fields, scratches and dust, plus they plug and unplug from the computer easily. These properties make flash drives suitable for transporting data from place to place and keeping the data readily at hand.

USB flash drives began to really catch on with computer users, who have come to rely on such portable device in almost everywhere. They have become an invaluable tool for storing and transporting data.

In the meantime, flash drives may present a significant security challenge and face security threat. Their small size and ease of use allows unsupervised visitors to store and smuggle out confidential data with little chance of detection. Both enterprise and public computers are vulnerable to attackers connecting a flash drive to a free USB port and using malicious software. Besides, they are easily infected with virus or Trojans and can corrupt the entire computer system once plugged onto a computer.

The terrible threat mentioned above has been pressing users to do more to combat malware and take various security measures to prevent confidential data from being carried away.

Encrypting files provides considerable protection against this type of attack and has been proposed as a better way out.

A simple and intuitive encrypting program USB Encryptor, developed by DoGoodSoft is here introduced.

USB Encryptor Shields Data on Portable DevicesAs elite encrypting software, USB Encryptor can encrypt all or any specific data in a portable storage device (a USB flash drive, removable drive, memory card or a memory stick) in just seconds. Data encrypted by USB Encryptor is not bound to where it is encrypted. It can be used on any computer.

USB Encryptor does not need to be installed. Simply put the .exe file to a portable device to be protected and the device can be carried to anywhere under encryption status while no one can access to it.

USB Encryptor Shields Data on Portable DevicesAvailable for free download of USB Encryptor at:

More details, please visit at


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